Safety light curtains are an essential component of automated machine guarding systems. They control the light curtain’s position in a machine by sending and receiving stop signals. Typically, these devices can be controlled by an external safety PLC or by a safety relay. But sometimes, a malfunction can cause the stop signal to be missed, requiring a manual reset. Here’s how to test safety light curtains. A simple test for automated machine guarding systems is required by OSHA.
Safety light curtains are available in many different shapes, sizes, and resolutions. Depending on the danger and size of the space, you can choose one that offers the best protection. It’s also important to look for safety light curtains that meet EN ISO 13855, a harmonized standard for positioning Safety light beam systems. Knowing what the standards are beforehand can help you make the right choice. Ultimately, your safety light curtain should meet the standards of your industry.
Safety light curtains have many applications in industrial settings. They’re used on robotic cells, automation machines, presses, and rollform lines. One automotive company recently retooled a pickup-truck bed production line by incorporating 1200 safety light curtains. If you’re considering safety light curtains for your manufacturing process, consider your needs carefully and make an informed decision. These protective screens will protect your personnel from potential harm. You’ll be glad you did!
Another advantage of safety light curtains is their ability to detect smaller objects. For example, a 14 mm resolution safety light curtain can detect small objects and can be mounted closer to the hazard. The smaller the object, the smaller the light curtain will need to be. With higher resolution, the light curtain is more expensive, but if your facility has a limited budget, you can choose a lower resolution light curtain to meet your needs.
Manufacturers must balance globalization and flexible production processes. Omron’s complete line of safety light curtains is compliant with global safety standards and covers the design and maintenance of a wide range of applications. From simple, self-resetting models to sophisticated ones, Omron offers the perfect safety technology for any application. If you’re considering safety light curtains for your facility, you can check out the Omron website. It’s easy to find the right one.
A safety light curtain may come with a blanking feature. This feature allows you to change its detection capabilities. You can choose from fixed-channel and floating-channel blanking options. Then you can select the mode of operation you need. And don’t forget to check whether your safety light curtain comes with a safety relay. These systems should be installed at the entrance of an aisle, which prevents employees from slipping through. If you’re unsure whether your safety light curtain is capable of performing the job, check if it has this feature.
Safety light curtains come in two different types. Type 2 light curtains are the least expensive, but have less capabilities and safety protocols. This type is appropriate for lower-risk situations, where the worst-case scenario for an employee or visitor can be easily dealt with. Type 4 light curtains, on the other hand, employ continuous automated cross-checking and issue a stop signal when a fault is detected. However, these light curtains differ greatly in their capabilities and safety standards, and are best suited for higher-risk situations.